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FOCUS: ANCESTRY~ I do exclusively First Nation & Metis Historical & Genealogical Projects

Genealogy, Documentaries, Museum Exhibits and Historical Research 

Author of The Ancestors are Arranging Things...a journey on the Algonkin Trail


I am an advocate for FN/Metis rights specializing in First Nation & Metis

Genealogy and History for

individuals/families and organizations.

Aiding with FN Status and Metis Citizenship applications, Residential School Research,

DNA analysis and more..


The work of Noreen Kruzich


Thanks for coming to my site!  These beautiful creations can be seen at the Pikwakanagan Museum in Golden Lake, Ontario.  The photos were taken by myself during research for a newspaper article.



THE ANCESTORS are ARRANGING THINGS...a journey on the Algonkin Trail. (Borealis Press/Ottawa/2011)

Follow the trail back in time, with Noreen in the footsteps of Algonkin Grand Chief Constant Pinesi and his son, Kigonz to gain insight on the challenges they met with to secure even a small peice of their traditional Algonkin territory in the late 1700's and into the late 1800's in the Ottawa Valley.

Trick or Treaty directed by award winning First Nation Filmmaker Alanis Obomsawin ****2016 Prix Gemeaux Award for BEST RESEARCH~ Academie Canadienne du Cinema et de la Television.

Colonization Road (CBC) directed by actress Michelle St. John****Nominated 2018 Canadian Screen Awards-Donald Brittain Award for Best Social-Political Documentary Program.


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